Breath of Life 

I can’t believe my mom finally found the coat and booties she dreamed of buying me. She wanted to see me dressed like children dress on cold days, and she always said that the coat had to be pure wool, red, with a hood and with black details. O The details would have to be in black to match the my little boots that would be suede and varnish. When my mother wants something, she doesn’t give up until she gets it. After a few months of searching, my coat was found in a used clothing store. When I heard where my special coat had been bought , I thought to myself: “Used clothes ???”. I always heard my mother say that this coat would be very expensive, so, against her will, she had to choose this type of store. There were only a few days left before we left for Brazil. When I showed the my father, noticed that the coat had become too long, but, as he said, it was the only one he had found. I think my mother forgot that I’m not a real little girl and not big enough to fit in the coat she bought me. But I’m sure she’ll fix it soon, because she always did makeovers for her children. After wearing the red hooded coat, I looked like Little Red Riding Hood, only missing the little basket like the one Little Red Riding Hood used to take into the forest with food and fruit for her grandmother. How I enjoyed watching my mother as she dressed me in my newlittle coat… As for the length of the coat and the sleeves, I was reassured, as I knew my mother could make the necessary changes. The only thing missing was the varnished boots, as I heard my mother say they were very damaged in second-hand clothing stores . How could I arrive in Rio de Janeiro , find my mother’s friends and family members who would wait for us wearing an old, worn-out shoe? ?? The bootie that my mother was looking for was very special, as it had to match my “Victorian” coat. Finally after a lot of searching, my mother managed to find the very special bootie she was looking for. I thought it was beautiful!!! It was made of varnish, and in the corners there were some suede details with very small flowers embroidered with bright lines. I do n’t think my mother could have found a prettier boot. Dressed like this, I already felt prepared to visit the museums in the city of London before we left, and to take the photographs that my mother wanted so that I could start writing the little educational books that she so wanted to write .


The days went by, and I was still sitting in my seat as usual, with my friends Feliz, Florida and the two little scarecrows she had bought in the United States. My mother thought that Happy needed company, so I brought these little scarecrows that I thought were really cute. I heard when my mother said that she was thinking of naming the older one Maria Carolina, and the younger one was soon baptized by of Pirulita, as it was supported only by a long stick resembling a lollipop. Ever since my mother bought my red coat and black booties, I couldn’t wait to see myself in a mirror and see how I looked in my new outfit. And so, at the first opportunity I had, I ran to look for a mirror to see myself in full.


My friends always said I looked very pretty, but since I knew they liked me a lot, I didn’t believe what they said. So, one day when my parents were out, I immediately ran to look for a mirror, and I even liked seeing myself dressed in my little red coat. Luckily the hood didn’t hide my golden cornrows which were held back by two pompoms, one red and one black. Could it be that my mother bought red and black to match my coat and booties??? I think so. I remember when on the phone spoke with her English friend Leonora, who would like me to arrive in Rio de Janeiro dressed like a real little English girl, and even more… from the Victorian Era. You must find this word Victorian strange, but it was a very important time in the history of England. This name is related to the name of a queen who was called Victoria. At just 18 Victoria was crowned Queen of England , and her reign was the longest in history , as it lasted 63 years. I always listen to my mother talking to my father and I learn a lot . A few years after being crowned, Victoria married one of her cousins ​​who lived in Germany and whose name was Alberto. Vit o Maria had nine children and was widowed very early. Funny, a queen of England marrying a German prince. Was there no nobleman in England who could marry Victoria? It turns out that Vitória’s ancestors were German, and so the two families decided to marry the two cousins. In the old days, people married other people in the family so as not to share the land and wealth they owned. They often married without liking each other so that the country would become richer and more powerful. Alberto died very young, and since his death until the day he died, Vitória never left the house for any party. She only dressed in black, and all the people at courtEnglishwoman during the sixty-three years of her reign had to dress like her. I think that due to this oppression they lived in, when Queen Victoria died, her son Edward VII who occupied the throne of England seemed to be very happy. The lifestyle and fashion in the country changed completely, it was called the Edwardian Era. Edward VII lived in parties, and luxury was too much throughout the country. I really wanted to be real people and be able to read all the books my mother has, because I really like hi stories from the past. It is a pity that many children do not care about their books, tear them up, leave them on the floor, and most importantly, do not love reading, which is so important for a person’s education. I think only a doll like me notices these things, because from where I sit, my only distraction is watching the children play .


How lucky!!! How lucky!!! My parents left and forgot the computer on !!! I really ca n’t resist the curiosity of touching this miraculous and modern machine that has revolutionized the lives of adults and children . I already knew a long time ago that my parents’ granddaughters use the computer to write and play funny games. How I would like to be a real child and learn everything that the computer teaches… Many times, children only use the computer to play, and not to learn something that can improve their learning at school. I heard that on the first day of the year two thousand, something is going to happen to computers that has a lot of people worried. They are calling it a “bug” and it will cause a lot of confusion. I only listen to people full of curiosity wanting to know what might happen if computers malfunction. The danger is that nowadays, almost everything in the world works through computers . Is this “bug” story true? Well, since I’m not a real person, I can be very calm. I’ll get a pillow and be able to sit very close to the keyboard. My little arms are so short… Charlotte, Charlotte, wake up!!! Why would you want to be near the keyboard if you can’t read or write ??? I would really like to know how to read and write, because I find this computer so interesting… How many things can children learn in this different world they live in. From so much hurriedly touching the keys, something happened that made the computer display go completely dark. I was immediately scared, thinking that maybe I had broken the computer, but I soon noticed that it had just turned off without me knowing the reason. It was even good, because no one could find out that I spent a lot of time having fun in this rare piece that, as I said, is revolutionizing the world. The best thing is, I won’t listen to a l eve discussion when my parents come home. I’m sure you would hear this phrase a lot: “Who forgot the computer on???” I am sometimes thinking that novelties like the computer and other novelties that exist in the world of toys leave children a little confused. Certain children cannot even choose their favorite toy due to so many toys their parents buy. I remember one day when my father was talking to my mother about the toys he had as a child. Many were self-made, the product of hours and hours of standing in front ofshop windows, researching and thinking about the best way to copy the toy. Nowadays children do not value anything because they get everything very easily. This is not good for a child’s normal development. Luckily I’m a doll, and I don’t have these problems. I always hear my parents commenting on the way their granddaughters are brought up. They don’t approve of many things, especially when Christmas time comes around, when children are given so many toys that they lose all interest in playing. I also hear my mother talking, who really likes to give clothes and shoes as gifts, because in addition to being useful, they help me a lot . their children in the financial part. She also likes to give educational books as a gift, as she thinks that children should love reading from an early age. I think my mother is absolutely right. In the last house I lived in before my mother bought me, when the Christmas season arrived, the children’s mother gathered the children, and ordered them all to choose used toys to be sent to an orphanage where there were poor children. I always thought that gesture was very nice, but, as I suffered waiting for that day … My biggest concern was thinking that I could be one of those donated toys. Fortunately, among his children, there was a girl named Vanessa Maria, who really liked to play with me, and so I was calm, because I was your favorite doll. Despite this constant concern of mine , I always had the hope of staying in this house . So it happened, but only until Vanessa Maria grew up and went to study at a boarding school far from home. Time went by, when one day Vanessa Maria’s mother, thinking that I was no longer useful as a toy in the house, donated me to a church . It was when they put me to be sold at a charity fair , my mother found me, and brought me to her house where I live very happily until today. When my parents go out I have a lot of fun looking like real people. But, I only play at home, and now I’m taking advantage of my parents’ move to climb on top of the boxes that my father has already prepared or . I play very carefully, because if I fall, how can I explain why I’m playing on top of the boxes and maybe lying on the floor? They say that when the child is taken away it is a sign that he is in good health . They are usually really naughty , because their parents didn’t teach them to have good manners, how to respect their elders, behave well in school and especially how to take care of his toys. Being always alone, I feel very lonely in this apartment , despite having many good things to do and play with. But … this is my life and I have to live with it . I know I’m wrong, because I should be happy to be living with my mom and dad and not being sold at street markets, facing the cold and dirt outside . I also really like to see a little of what happens on the street looking through the kitchen window. I like to see cars passing by and happy children going to or from school. But what I really like is when it rains and I feel the raindrops seem to touch my face through the window glass . It’s so cold… Some people think that the weather in London is really bad, but I don’t see my mother complaining, on the contrary, she always says that she has adapted very well to the London climate. In fact, she is always worried about the day she has to return to Brazil. I don’t know why my mother complains so much when they talk about going back to Brazil. I heard that the climate is very good and there are beautiful beaches in Rio de Janeiro . The problem is that my mother doesn’t like the beach, and what to do to spend her free time??? Despite having many friends to have fun with , my mother will miss the cultural part, the parks and the quiet and free life that she lives in London . London is one of the cities in Europe that most facilitates this cultural part . The city’s museums are specially prepared to make it easier for tourists to move around in them , as well as to facilitate access to the lessons they offer . My parents really like it when the weekend comes, and early in the morning they go out walking around the city looking for book fairs or antiques . How they have fun … I hear them when they get home, always very late and happy, talking about what they saw and did during a “long” day, because only I know how long it was and how alone I felt. Despite being a doll and always sitting where they put me, I miss them .my parents at home and the constant noise of the television. I’m not really people, but I like to see people, listen to the sound of the television, see my parents moving around looking for something to eat, in short, being able to see and appreciate everything they do and distract myself a little. I don’t like loneliness… Charlotte!!! Charlotte!!! I think you’ve been forgetting to remind yourself that this spoiled doll life of yours won’t last forever . What have you heard about Gepetto , the old man who made the Pinocchio doll and also made Pinocchio walk like a child and the story of Cinderella who married a prince… that all only exists even in children’s stories !!! The same thing happens with the little stories that my mother writes and where you become people when you’re alone . These stories spring from the imagination of people who love to write and live in the world of fantasy. Wake up Charlotte!!! Will you ever stop this mania of being real and say you don’t like loneliness ???


One day, I called Feliz, Piruli ta and the pretty little scarecrow who still doesn’t have a name, to talk about my new plans. Everyone soon became curious, waiting for me to tell their favorite stories or if it was some new joke. Happy was almost falling, holding on to the furniture trying to jump with his little straw legs . Behind him came the nameless little spank, hurriedly putting on her hat, as she didn’t like to show her hair . She said that her skin color was very ugly and she didn’t have pretty little cornrows like mine. Lollipop, as usual, was bouncing on her single leg, but, being careful not to fall. Fortunately , I was already used to having only one little leg. How happy I was to see my little friends running to meet me… it seemed that we were one family , and very happy . As Florida listened to me, she ran over to us and climbed onto my dad’s suitcase on tiptoe to see what was new. Together they looked at me anxiously, wanting to know my next mischief. That was my news. Now that I was feeling well dressed I started to feel like going out alone. I felt good and happy, wearing my little red coat with my patent leather boots and I thought I could easily pass for a real child . I asked what they thought . Immediately all together replied that it would be crazy. The worst would be if I got lost, and they were without the little friend they loved so much. Despite my little friends’ worries, I didn’t give up on my plan. When I opened the door to leave, Feliz and Florida were leaning against the door looking at me worried, but at the same time crazy with the desire to be able to accompany me in this crazy thing, as they said, that I had planned. Walk down the long hallway , and as I walked very slowly in my doll’s steps, I immediately began to get worried. It took me so long to get close to the elevator that I had enough time to think about the madness I was doing. Fortunately , after a few minutes, I woke up from this impossible dream of mine, a dream of a doll that looked like a real child, thought like a real child, but… that was just a doll. As I was returning, my sadness ended when I saw Happy’s smile and Florida’s pointy red nose, who was very worried looking at me from the door . Lollipop near them, try He was going to jump with joy, almost falling and balancing on his only little leg . Meanwhile, the pretty little scarecrow was anxiously tugging at my coat, wanting to feel that I was with them again. How good it is when we have little friends. .. All this made up for my disappointment and made me happy again. But, after those moments of joy, I had, as always, to continue sitting on the same piece of furniture and in the same doll-like position that I was always placed in.


Many days passed when I heard my mother say that she had been invited to a farewell tea offered by her friends Leonora and Marianne. I almost didn’t believe what I was hearing, and I immediately wanted to go out with them. So it was that the next day I had the great surprise of seeing my wish come true. After getting all dressed up, my mother took me in her arms and we left towards the elevator. I didn’t feel comfortable being carried around like a doll, but how could I walk if I wasn’t real? ?? We passed by the entrance, and soon the scared porters stopped my mother, and touched me to feel if I was really a doll. They started asking questions, wanting to know when and where she had found me and why she was seeing me. How curious they are!!! They get annoying. I soon saw that they were not very polite people, as it is not the custom for an educated Englishman to ask questions. As we were leaving, I saw that a red sports car was parked in front of the building . I was surprised, because it was my mother’s friend’s car, and I could see that there were two people inside. It was her friends Leonora and Marianne , who immediately started looking me down .below. I thought to myself: “Have you ever seen a doll going out for a walk with its owner???” I felt very happy, until the moment we stopped at a very posh tea shop, and I was placed on top of the car like a fool for portraits to be taken. Both my mother and her friends had a habit of taking pictures and making albums of their memories. But, taking pictures of a doll, in the middle of the street and even more on top of a red sports car!!! I think that was a bit of an exaggeration on my mother’s part. People passed by and looked at me . I found myself ridiculous, and I wondered what my mother’s next news would be . I remember when he said that Marianne had a doll too, only Marianne’s doll was made of German porcelain, and her hair was real people’s hair. Good thing Marianne didn’t know I was coming, just so I didn’t bring her doll with her. Has she ever thought, me being close to a doll with hair from a person who could have died of a contagious disease??? Charlotte, you only think about bad things!!! Really I would never want to have on my head the hair of someone I didn’t know. What a mix !!! W real people’s beauty in a doll’s head!!! I like dolls better that are made like me, and even more so if they have golden cornrows like mine. For the first time I had gotten into a car. My mother had me standing in the back of the car , and so I had a great time going to the restaurant while I watched the cars following us. It wasn’t little that I went through when they finished taking pictures. While they were talking , they left me standing for a long time , and soon after they locked me in the trunk of the car. For nearly three long hours this suffering of mine lasted. While I was alone in the car , I kept thinking that dolls only serve to be cute, put on clothes and be children’s toys, and often they end up in garbage cans. When we returned home, I tried to forget all that sadness and think only of all the beautiful things I had seen.


The days went by, when the moment finally arrived that my mother never wanted to arrive: the day to leave forever this city where she lived happily for so many years and where so many good memories remained in her memories. This season that my parents spent outside Brazil really lasted many years. In every farewell letter or card she sent to her friends , my mother put a poem that talked about “Time to go back”. That time that everyone who was happy where they lived would never want that time to come. The poetry was a little sad, but very beautiful. It said like this:




Nothing in life is eternal ,

Like the flowers that are born

The falling rain,

The wind that blows…

Our life.


Time to go back

Time to feel your heart sink

wet with tears

Coming from a hidden cry

For not being able to cry.


Time to go back

Endless goodbyes.

Like whispers,

Words heard from loved ones

They mix with our tearful, yearning voice.


Time to go back

Moments that remain in our memory,

In our hearts filled with longing,

that for some time

You’ll have to stay.


It seems that people really feel something in their hearts when they are away from the people they care about. I heard my mother say something about it, because she is always sad and worried about her children. It was after her children got married and moved away from her that my mother started writing poetry. Everyone thinks her poetry is beautiful, but a little sad, despite her being a very happy and lively person. Everyone says that the poet’s soul is sad. I think it’s true, because my mother can’t write happy poetry.


The day was dawning when my mother picked me up and placed me on top of several suitcases lined up in the living room. As I waited for my parents I thought : “Charlotte, you are a lucky doll”… you were not packaged like your little friends. I remembered when Florida was packed, and next to her there still had to be room for Feliz, the nameless little scarecrow and Lollipop. I was really lucky, because I got a little jacket, new boots and I was going to live in a much warmer country than where I used to live. But, thinking about it, spending all this time dressed in my little red jacket, I’m sure I won’t feel well in this hot city like Rio de Janeiro. What will become of my life??? I think I’m going to die from the heat.


My friends often say that I like to complain too much and I’m never satisfied despite all the good things that have happened to me. I will miss them as they are always content and are even happier when they are together. I know very well that this is a big defect that I have, but despite the complaints I am very grateful to my mother, since the day she took me from that stool at the street fair and brought me to her house. I will never forget that day, I still remember how cold it was, a typical day in London. After a few hours, a taxi arrived to take us to the airport. You can’t imagine where I was sitting, on my father’s lap . That’s where there was a little place left for me. I had never been so close to him as I was at that moment, and all I could think about was thework I was giving . My parents must like me a lot to take me along with them despite the big baggage they had. On the way to the airport, I distracted myself by looking at my mother’s mischievous smile while she looked at me sitting on my father’s lap. Her dream of taking me along on this trip had come true. Arriving at the airport, as soon as we left the taxi, the bags were placed on top of a trolley, and I was on top of them. From the position I was in, I could only see the roof of the airport. My biggest concern was people passing by, thinking I was a real kid and being treated that way. During the time we had to stand in line, while my dad was sorting through the bags, I almost fell off the trolley. Two gentlemen who were nearby quickly ran and tried to catch me. When they saw that I was just a doll, everyone was surprised and started laughing, relieved and satisfied at the same time. Only I wasn’t surprised, because I was already used to people thinking I was a real child, and how happy I was… This was a very special moment for me, because I felt that I could really pass for a real child. So, I started to find this trip very interesting, and I was really enjoying this new adventure of mine. At a certain moment I noticed that my parents were not near me. I got scared, and started to wonder where they would have gone, leaving me alone in a place full of strange people. Could it be that they weren’t worried about someone stealing from me??? Are they getting tired of me already??? As for that, I think I shouldn’t worry , because especially my mother I know she loves me very much and would never get tired of me. That’s for sure. But I’m giving my father so much trouble on this trip that I really think he wouldn’t mind seeing me so far away from him. Charlotte, why are you so pessimistic??? Soon they will come back!!! Gradually I became calmer . Although I was still a little worried, I couldn’t resist the urge to get out of the cart and walk around the airport. I wanted to know and see everything that children like without being under my parents’ custody. It wasn’t easy, but after a lot of effort I managed to get off the bags and get off the stroller, which was quite tall for my doll size. After going through the entire airport without anyone looking at me, which surprised me a lot, I went looking for my favorite stores. I immediately went straight to the stores where they sold chocolates and I was messing with the boxes as if I was going to buy something, but I really didn’t have any money. Like every child, I had a little bag, but while looking at so many beautiful things, I didn’t let it show that the little bag I was carrying was empty. The store owner looked at me several times in surprise, thinking that maybe I was a child without the company of my parents. Well, I don’t know what she thought, and I wasn’t interested in knowing, but then she turned her back and didn’t look at me anymore. I felt free to see everything that was on the shelves. I took advantage of this moment to hold the bunnies that were decorating the store for Easter and the children’s story books that were for sale. But how could I buy it if I had no money and it was just a doll!!! I also took the opportunity to follow a little boy who was playing in the carts and then I climbed on one of them to see what he was doing. His name was Matthew, I heard his mother call him, and he sounded like a very naughty little boy, for his mother called him and he pretended not to hear. It was one mischief after another that he did, but that’s what I liked to see kids doing. So, f I was lost for a long time in that enchanted world of children. I’ve always thought that real children should have everything they dream of, but I think that’s not all that brings happiness to children’s lives. A happy child is a child who lives in a united family and who, above all, is very peaceful at home. The child also needs to have lots of friends so they can play together, and experience those moments that pass so quickly in a person’s life… the life of a child. I decided to run back to the cart before my parents arrived and thought I might get stolen. It wasn’t easy, as the cart was very tall, but with a lot of effort I managed. The world today is very different, there is a lot of evil, and easily a child can be taken away from his parents without them noticing. I hear my parents talk about their son’s concern for his three granddaughters.


How lucky !!! I arrived before them!!! As soon as they arrived at the airport, my parents went to do the “check-in” and deliver the biggest bags. After the bags were delivered, they decided to fasten me with a very tight rubber band to the hand bags that were on a trolley, so that what had happened to me before would not happen. Everyone could now get a good look at my new little coat, my booties, and my little gold braids held back with the red and black pompoms. From where I was, I could also see children carrying teddy bears, dolls and other toys. How happy they looked… I saw some running and playing around the airport, and I immediately wanted to do what they were doing, but tied up as I was and with my parents, it would be impossible. While waiting for the flight time, I started to get nervous, and the fear of flying was already taking over me. My mother took me in her arms and we went to a room where people were waiting for the flight time. I soon noticed that it was a waiting room. My father went ahead showing the boarding passes, when suddenly I heard the person who received the cards, asking for the child’s card. I had my back turned, so she thought I was a real child. Imagine, asking for a boarding pass for a doll…When we got on the plane, while my parents were looking for our seats, everyone looked at us. I thought why so much curiosity. Could it be because they had never seen a doll travel by plane, or because they thought I was pretty… Charlotte, Charlotte, stop that vanity!!! After all, you’re not that special. But, doll traveling by plane and as tidy as I am, I’m sure they’ve never seen it.


At one point, I noticed that my mother was a little worried when my father stopped near the places indicated on the cards. Where would they put me? The plane was full and there wasn’t even an empty chair to put me in. I think I was already starting to cause problems for my parents. So, like any hand luggage, I was placed in a compartment on top of the chairs. I noticed that my mother didn’t like the way my father placed me on top of her raincoat. My poor father, after what he had been through, he still had to think about being careful with his clothes.a doll that didn’t even have a life!!! I think, with good reason, he was already losing his temper. This exaggerated care was my mother’s doing, who didn’t want me to arrive in Rio de Janeiro with a wrinkle in my Victorian coat and with my cornrows arranged the way I had left home. It would be impossible!!! I myself was accepting of arriving anyway, as long as I could arrive, and be able to be known by all the relatives and friends at the airport. They were already doing a lot by bringing me along with them, and carrying me through the airport with everyone looking on in awe. The worst thing was that my mother decided to travel wearing a sweater with a very large teddy bear printed on the front. That was already too much, wasn’t it? I imagine how embarrassed my dad must be feeling as he carriesThere ‘s a doll in her stroller, and my mom is wearing a sweater with a bear on the front. After I was laid down on top of my mother ‘s raincoat in a compartment full of packages, all I heard was a loud noise and a great darkness around me. I thought to myself: “A thankless doll’s life” , I felt like I was in prison . But right after that, I was thinking about my little friends Feliz, Florida, Pirulita and the nameless little scarecrow that had been packed in the warehouse for over two months. And sweetness??? I also rememberedfrom Doçura, the little fox you met in the story “What will be my destiny???” that my mother wrote. How would hers be by what was already falling due to her advanced age? Sweetness was already over fifty years old. And so, thinking of my little friends, I soon resigned myself to being there for a few “long hours” of flight. I heard when my father said that we had to take another plane in Chicago to get to Rio de Janeiro. This long trip…


I felt that many hours had passed, when suddenly I filled a light breaking the darkness of where I was. My father held me and handed me over to my mother. We had arrived in the city of Chicago. After pushing them to get off the plane, they sat me down again, right in front of the cart my father was pulling. I could see like this, once again children playing ,as well as seeing how beautiful this airport was. We were waiting for the call for the next flight, and so, after being called, my parents passed through a very large door, and once again I was placed on top of a narrow conveyor belt. I was placed as if I were luggage to be searched. The moment the machine ‘s rubber strips touched my face, I heard a loud scream that startled me . Did it have to happen again??? One of the girls who helped with this work, thinking I was a child, shouted for them to stop the machine. I was already tired of hearing people think I looked like a child so many truth. It irritated me a lot, because I knew that I could never, never be real. Everyone was scared and laughing at the same time, until they saw that Charlotte… was just a doll. Fortunately they didn’t think to examine me fully and ruin my well-kept outfit. I noticed that only my mother was happy with this mess, because her Charlotte was calling everyone’s attention.


As soon as we got on the plane, I soon noticed that it was much newer and more comfortable than the previous one. I thought to myself: “This time there will be an empty chair for me”, but again I was placed in the luggage rack on top of the chairs. I heard my mother talking to my father, who was in the mood to take some pictures for the next story he was already thinking about writing. She wanted to seat me in the chair like a real passenger. My dad replied that she could take any photos she wanted , as long as people didn’t think he was with her. I soon noticed that my mother had not given up on the idea, as she took me from the luggage rack and soon sat me in the chair . I almost didn’t believe it, when he put the “headphone” in my ear, and in my hands, he placed a leaflet with instructions on how to act in case of an accident. Just thinking about an accident happening , I immediately wanted to drop the role. How confused I was by all the instructions that were in the in-flight brochure. I think this is also normal with real people.


Not satisfied, my mother took another photo, placing a magazine in my hands. After the photos, without even looking at the other passengers, my mother put me back in the same dark compartment on top of the chairs I didn’t like. I tried to calm down and wait for time to pass on this last leg of the journey. Apparently I felt calm, because I was sure that I would be happy in my new life. I was curious and anxious to start living in this city where my mother had always promised to bring me. She also promised to write educational books for children traveling with me through all the states of Brazil. In these stories I would be involved, since in the little books she intended to write taking me to all the museums in London she didn’t have time to write. I think that Brazil has twenty-six states, therefore, I must travel a lot and have a lot of fun in this Brazil that many people abroad want to know. You are one lucky doll Charlotte. But… will I like the roads to get to these places so far??? I heard that the roads are very bad. Stop being picky Charlotte , you’re getting too much!!! Don’t forget you’re just a doll!!!



Rio de Janeiro, May 2003



Breath of Life Wonder what makes me feel this immense void,As if my thoughts were asleep,My aimless, meaningless steps?  What is this strange feeling,That follows me in my day to day,That doesn't leave me, consumes me and dominates me?  Wonder what you take from my...

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Breath of Life Don't let yourself be defeated Be a winner. Don't get lost and scared in crooked paths In which Life often makes you walk. Step firmly, as if you were walking On fresh green grass, With your will to win, With your will to win Life. Always seek the hope...

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Breath of Life I feel my heart divided For those who are close to me and whom I love so much, And by whom, far be it from me... And whom I love very much too. I live with my heart divided, For the immense desire to stay, for the immense desire to leave, Living only in...

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Breath of Life Don't let yourself be defeated Be a winner. Don't get lost and scared in crooked paths In which Life often makes you walk. Step firmly, as if you were walking On fresh green grass, With your will to win, With your will to win Life. Always seek the hope...

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Breath of Life We lived in Brazil. My husband was going to London on business, and he invited me to join him. We took the opportunity to visit some European countries. At that time my mother was seriously ill. My intention was to visit Rome and see Pope John Paul...

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